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Monday, November 06, 2006

so THAT's where they come from

You know how movie posters and DVD covers always get slashed with great little quotes from reviews or some such that seem to sum up the film perfectly and convey the right tone of enthusiasm?
Well, i know that since I've started working in arts marketing, the reviews coming in having been very important to me - because I am The Laminator, putting the reviews on display front of house and on the website.

Ok, mainly I just want you to be able to click on a link that says: Borat Blows Blurb Whore's Mind and not feel bad about it. Because its educational!!
Turns out that in the States at least, there's this guy who writes for Rolling Stone and he writes in snappy little nuggets of quotable quotes. You've got to check it out. For the summary list of movies that the reporter has tracked down as being attributed to by him as "laugh til it hurts!"material if nothing else.



Blogger Lou said...


That made me laugh til it... well, didn't hurt, but sort of pushed the corners of my mouth upwards in a comfortably enjoyable fashion.

Tue Nov 07, 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Setting off comic and cosmic explosions in your head?
Little Red Riding Hood?

Myyy goodness, either Borat is actually this good (I can't wait to have laughs stuck in my throat.), or is so bad it rendered his blurb-making skills useless.

High Five!

(Hi Lou! :D)

Tue Nov 07, 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger Bel said...

Having a laugh 'stuck in my throat' actually sounds kinda painful and not that hilarious. And it sounds like you were going to laugh, and then the next thing on screen changed your mind, or something...?!

Also - I HATED that Napoleon Dynamite quote that he supplied!! It vexed me greatly.

I will be very interested to see if I walk out of Borat high-fiving other audience members with post-screening joy... I haven't had an experience like since, well, since I escaped Million Dollar Baby with my retinas still intact.

Tue Nov 07, 09:58:00 AM  
Blogger Lou said...

I high-fived with post-screening joy (metaphorically rather than literally) after seeing Black Sheep (coughinitsworldpremiereatthetorontointernationalfilmfestivalcough) so Borat has a lot to live up to for me.

However I am thinking it might actually be as funny as they say. Two reasons:

1. I saw the preview whilst sitting in a theatre by myself, and it made me laugh out loud. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud whilst by myself. (the film I was there to see also achieved this - Jackass 2)

2. I read an internal duty log (ie the viewer complaints/feedback logs of the tv station I am working for) and someone was writing in to say what fucking tossers (not in that exact wording) a tv presenter on one of our programmes was for taking Borat seriously and getting offended by it. This viewer was funny and smart in defending the humour at play in Borat, and managed to comprehensively make the people complaining abou the film sound like the world's biggest tossers. Awesome. I wish it was copy-and-paste-able.

3. Apparently there is a line in the film in which he asks which gun is best for shooting jews. Anybody who has the balls to say that in an American film, and can get away with it and get a wide cinema release too, deserves our optimism.

Even though I never liked Ali G. Although I might find him funnier now that I have first-hand experience of Chavs.

Wed Nov 08, 06:30:00 AM  
Blogger Lou said...

Five words:

You Tube Borat On Letterman

Wed Nov 08, 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Bel said...

YouTube is ONE WORD :P

...thank you soo much for the heads-up on that - i knew from the moment, seven seconds in, rewinding back to see his 'running man' again, that I was in for a good time :D

There was a preview screening here & I missed it cause of working late on a bloody photoshoot thing - now I'm thinking 'who cares about the new avertising campaign - let's just get Borat posters and slap the theatre logo on top - it'll sell!!' :D

Sat Nov 11, 11:39:00 PM  

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