going going gone

Lou in NYC, in the non-square Times Square.

Steph in London, where they have a bridge, apparently.

Felix travelling through Budapest...

...and also travelling back through time.

Lou (Richardson) with a wedding cake in Instanbul.

There are links to most of those people's blogs in the side bar.
Pauly's is shite in that he doesn't update it now, but is quite a good record of back when he was travelling through Indo & Portugal.
Louise of Lou's Travels has a much more entertaining blog and a real eye-opener. WARNING: bound to give you itchy feet.
The other Lou is Ms 'reduced to banality', a regular visitor here at Tuesday's Child. If her blog isn't already in your Favourites, then I don't know what's wrong with you.
Like Lou, Steph is also in London, balancing out academic study with a bit of baking on the side ;)
Felix doesn't have a blog as far as I know (and I do read pretty much every blog on the internet, just as Cam will tell you). But his group emails have redefined the term:
Craziest news... we went down to the danube to watch the st stevens day fireworks the other night with evey single person in Budapest it seemed and just before they began an enourmous bank of storm clouds gathered above and god and budapest fought for the most iompressive light show - it was incredible. then god got pissed with showy colours and sent down an incredible storm/hurricane! the wind was soo intense it ripped tents into the air and sent chairs tables branches and glass flying! It was pretty exciting, but we were glad to have a restaurant to hide in when it got too crazy! The debris the next day was unreal and apparently 4 people died (photos/video soon!)
So what have I been up to? Oh you know, just the usual... just hanging out, lots of time for me and my thoughts... enjoying the peace and quiet:

If it makes you feel better, I'm j of all the others too!
(and suffering my annual Christmas [insert that German word describing feeling negatively overwhelmed by terrible state of the world] - as is detailed in my blog posting for today)
And of course feeling terribly sad by how much I MISS YOU!!!
PS I'm also j at my own photo seeing how in it my arms are a bit sunburnt and I'm wearing a singlet-top in the middle of the night... aaah summer... so fleeting and again so far away...
Im jealous of you at home Bel, on a beach! oh for some alone time! Jane x
If its any consolation, it was bitterly cold, and even that long-sleeved merino top and thick stockings couldn't keep me warm!
Also, was not alone as such - was part of an epic family photo shoot - great pics of me & the boys that YOU need to see!
Send me an electric letter and I will show you how growed up they are these days... XXX
PS. i dont reckon your friend stef is in london, i aint never seen that bridge before!
I think you may be on to something j e g - esp considering that the photo of Steph and the so-called famous bridge was taken by a person known for their photoshop photo manipulations.
Hi, found this in error BUT can I just say a big hello to Jane and Elise............I am your dads cousin who lives in Auckland. It has been many years since I have seen you both but have been kept up to date with what you are doing....
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