Any recommendations?
I'm outta foamy stuff for the shower. You know, stuff that I'm sure my Dad would say is an overpriced unnecessary alternative to plain old boring soap, which does the job just fine, thank you very much. But it doesn't really - not when it comes to getting lots of nice suds and lovely lingering scent.
The bottle now disappointly empty on our shower shelf is this:

Johnsons Oat Milk & Honey, apparently. Does that mean, like, milked up oats? Or have they left a comma out there?? Dunno. Its pretty nice anyway. Good thick lather and strange biblical overtones with a dash of 'gosh this must be good for me, much in the way of a hearty bran muffin'.
I also love vanilla-scented things and I know that Marama gets the most delicious ones from the Body Shop. (It was always the giveaway for when she'd sneakily borrowed clothing of mine when we lived together. Delicious sweet smell on hoodie I couldn't find the day before? Chances are it had been clinging to the body of aforementioned female flatmate...ratbag!!).
Any suggestions, much appreciated. Unless of course you're off on the other side of the world and have stumbled across some scrumptious local speciality that will make me totally j and forced to reside in uncleanliness. Because we don't want that now DO WE?!!
The bottle now disappointly empty on our shower shelf is this:

Johnsons Oat Milk & Honey, apparently. Does that mean, like, milked up oats? Or have they left a comma out there?? Dunno. Its pretty nice anyway. Good thick lather and strange biblical overtones with a dash of 'gosh this must be good for me, much in the way of a hearty bran muffin'.

Any suggestions, much appreciated. Unless of course you're off on the other side of the world and have stumbled across some scrumptious local speciality that will make me totally j and forced to reside in uncleanliness. Because we don't want that now DO WE?!!
Fig and Olive - mmmmmmmmmmm! There's a local outfit which makes it and the soap is divine. Which reminds me, I am also out of goo so time to get the cake out instead ...fig and olive here I come.
marama was using this and it smelled so delicious, i totally copied her:
(st. ives apricot exfoliating body scrub)
i also LOVE philosophy. i think you can find them if you look hard enough. i currently have this (and want to eat it)
(pina colada)
and it's 3-in-1! shower gel, shampoo and conditioner!
(crud, sorry, turns out html doesnt work!)
Ooh good good - thank you ladies!!
Am using some Palmolive Olive stuff at the mo, left behind by ancient flatmate (dire straits!) & have not wound up delicately scented of antipasto platter so am happy so far.
And yes, that St Ives Apricot face stuff is good, so perhaps I need to venture into the body wash too!
Aromatherapy manuka honey and apricot. Arrived in my santa sack but also available in chemists.
I'm also a fan of the health basics range. It's on special at pak n slave this week ($1.49) and hangs up in your shower - so convenient!
The St Ives apricot exfoliating body scrub was a fixture in the Nixon 101 outside shower.
That is so 3 years ago.
I like the aromatherapy ones too.
And now my awesome recommendation for something you can't get in NZ:
Lucky for you, nothing. I have been - against all my beliefs and better judgement - using a plain old bar of soap the whole time I have been away from NZ as it is lighter and smaller than shower gel.
I just like to go buy what takes my fancy in terms of colour, packaging, and scent. So basically, it is the one product where the marketing crap is what totally convinces me.
PS omg, I had no idea that I had missed so many posts of yours! I am bad! Bad!
Oh lordy, that outside shower!! I'd nearly repressed that memory. I honestly think I had more showers that year at Sam's house than at Nixon 101.
And yes Lou (you bad person you) I also tend to be won over by snazzy packaging and impulse buys in the toileties aisle of the supermarche! At least this time I will be aimed with advanced knowledge :D
PYXH2q Very good blog! Thanks!
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Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
Thanks to author.
ZbuWik write more, thanks.
VvjonS write more, thanks.
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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