She promised it much earlier in the year and has finally come through on it - with all of 48 hours notice I might add! But not that I'm complaining, having Trelease visit is going to be an absolute treat and I am so excited.
Flying in tomorrow afternoon, our first fun activity will be hanging out together at my work. I know - FUN!! We have a big photo shoot happening tomorrow, so really it is quite convenient that the most photogenic person I know is arriving bang on time. I had been invited to opening night of the NZ School of Dance graduation season, but will see if I can resched that for us to go later in the week. And also having to juggle my hair appt - as I need to get a cut and colour done ASAP. (Yes, that's right Tanya, there's another hair related post COMING SOON!!).
Thinking I'll take Thursday and Friday afternoons off work to show Missy round - last time we did it ALL in about 45 mins, no joke. Also, am in the process of booking various friends in for coffee dates and drinkies so we can catch up and so Trelease can, as requested, meet the people she kinda feels she knows from me whaa-ing on about them!
Friday night has a couple of things on the schedule. Cam & I are already booked to go along to Pao! Pao! Pao! so will round up Trelease and Melissa too, and then afterwards go check out Hayley's boyfriend's band The Crypt Kicker 3, who're playing their awesome retro surf rock at Tupelo.
Saturday is going to be the most exciting - its Bridget's wedding and the launch of the NZPS 2006 anthology!! So altho I will be wearing black, I won't be going alone, so that is some comfort. And the black I will be wearing is Zambesi silk, made into a dress for me by the guru herself, Melissa - hurrah!
So basically I am in a complete palaver and keep referring to my diary and trying to keep track of things and imagining what Trelease might want to do while she's here... It lovely 'cause we have actually seen a fair bit of each other over the last year: there was a flying visit just before last Christmas, if I remember rightly, then I was in Bucklame for almost a week at Easter, then of course there was the unintentional reunion for Sam's funeral, and just recently I was up again for Labour weekend.
Trelease is someone that I just adore and always enjoy spending time with, even though it wouldn't seem that we would be friends - and we weren't initially. In fact, I hated her. Sure, it was kind of irrational and based on the fact that my one girl friend in Hamilton had taken a disliking to her and I had a certain loyalty to uphold, but there you go.
I was friends with the guy who turned out to be her boyfriend, so we were somewhat in the same circles. And two of my good mates, Shane and Gareth, had tragic incoherent crushes on Trelease at possible coinciding stages. I remember going to a party at her place, and we were all so wasted, and none of the guys were capable of speaking to her, and I didn't even like her and I was like "why are we heeeereeee??" and then I got this genius idea for combining big woofy headphones with fluffy earmuffs and tried to text it to myself so I'd remember in the morning and Samuel J had to help me work my phone.
But anyway, that wasn't my point. My point was... we did wind up being friends, after Brooke left town and I was forced to make a replacement token female friend in Hamilton (Marama - bless) and she suggested we get this awesome chick Rebecca she was mates with to flat with us for Honours year.
Which turned out to be the best idea ever.

That's Miss Rebecca Trelease (no, I'm not entirely sure why I persistently shun her first name, but it works, ok?) holding a tiny little orgami camera... we were being all whooo with the camera-camera taking photo thing. Except of course mine was my cellbone and hers was made of paper. Shut up.
See you soon Trelly!! :D
Flying in tomorrow afternoon, our first fun activity will be hanging out together at my work. I know - FUN!! We have a big photo shoot happening tomorrow, so really it is quite convenient that the most photogenic person I know is arriving bang on time. I had been invited to opening night of the NZ School of Dance graduation season, but will see if I can resched that for us to go later in the week. And also having to juggle my hair appt - as I need to get a cut and colour done ASAP. (Yes, that's right Tanya, there's another hair related post COMING SOON!!).
Thinking I'll take Thursday and Friday afternoons off work to show Missy round - last time we did it ALL in about 45 mins, no joke. Also, am in the process of booking various friends in for coffee dates and drinkies so we can catch up and so Trelease can, as requested, meet the people she kinda feels she knows from me whaa-ing on about them!
Friday night has a couple of things on the schedule. Cam & I are already booked to go along to Pao! Pao! Pao! so will round up Trelease and Melissa too, and then afterwards go check out Hayley's boyfriend's band The Crypt Kicker 3, who're playing their awesome retro surf rock at Tupelo.
Saturday is going to be the most exciting - its Bridget's wedding and the launch of the NZPS 2006 anthology!! So altho I will be wearing black, I won't be going alone, so that is some comfort. And the black I will be wearing is Zambesi silk, made into a dress for me by the guru herself, Melissa - hurrah!
So basically I am in a complete palaver and keep referring to my diary and trying to keep track of things and imagining what Trelease might want to do while she's here... It lovely 'cause we have actually seen a fair bit of each other over the last year: there was a flying visit just before last Christmas, if I remember rightly, then I was in Bucklame for almost a week at Easter, then of course there was the unintentional reunion for Sam's funeral, and just recently I was up again for Labour weekend.
Trelease is someone that I just adore and always enjoy spending time with, even though it wouldn't seem that we would be friends - and we weren't initially. In fact, I hated her. Sure, it was kind of irrational and based on the fact that my one girl friend in Hamilton had taken a disliking to her and I had a certain loyalty to uphold, but there you go.
I was friends with the guy who turned out to be her boyfriend, so we were somewhat in the same circles. And two of my good mates, Shane and Gareth, had tragic incoherent crushes on Trelease at possible coinciding stages. I remember going to a party at her place, and we were all so wasted, and none of the guys were capable of speaking to her, and I didn't even like her and I was like "why are we heeeereeee??" and then I got this genius idea for combining big woofy headphones with fluffy earmuffs and tried to text it to myself so I'd remember in the morning and Samuel J had to help me work my phone.
But anyway, that wasn't my point. My point was... we did wind up being friends, after Brooke left town and I was forced to make a replacement token female friend in Hamilton (Marama - bless) and she suggested we get this awesome chick Rebecca she was mates with to flat with us for Honours year.
Which turned out to be the best idea ever.

That's Miss Rebecca Trelease (no, I'm not entirely sure why I persistently shun her first name, but it works, ok?) holding a tiny little orgami camera... we were being all whooo with the camera-camera taking photo thing. Except of course mine was my cellbone and hers was made of paper. Shut up.
See you soon Trelly!! :D
have super fun times for me, please!
how exciting!
Hot Damn!
Will do, Tanya - thankfully I have that CD you made me earlier in the year as the perfect soundtrack! :D
And hullo the Other Bartlett :) how's things cowboy? how's risking life & limb in pursiut of low quality video footage working out for ya??
6 hours til touch down!!
Hello there. How's things?
//Ross rapidly scans blog//
Oh. Right. Guess that covers it then.
Good to here that life is treating you well down there. Say hi to Rebecca and Marama for me.
I'm part of a show heading to Fringe 07 so I expect you o come along and watch.
BTW, heard from Jess lately? Got a rainforest/uni email from her the other week.
(leaving myself open for blogspam here aint I?)
Hello there. How's things?
//Ross rapidly scans blog//
Oh. Right. Guess that covers it then.
Good to here that life is treating you well down there. Say hi to Rebecca and Marama for me.
I'm part of a show heading to Fringe 07 so I expect you o come along and watch.
BTW, heard from Jess lately? Got a rainforest/uni email from her the other week.
(leaving myself open for blogspam here aint I?)
Well while you guys are living it up in Wellington I'm gonna be haning out with all the boys! Yes that's right BOYS! Looks like we've swapped places Bel as I appear to have only boy friends now. Whanga is gonna be like me, tanya, yvonne and a trillion males. Will be super fun but probably no drinking for me... Is lovely up here by the way, 24 (ah shiv can't find degree symbol) and sunny. Not that I'm trying to make you j or anything.
Am super excited about trip down to wellington. You can probably guess that the most important things we need to do will be go to Ed's, midnight and the sushi place in left back as everyone keeps raving about it and I haven't even been there! Sheesh.
Give yourselves lots of girly hugs from me and say hi to Melissa and I want her to make me some stuff :-)
love youse
Marama - the correct name for the sushi place is 'California Sushi' but you need to speak it with a reverent tone to fully capture its status as best sushi place ever.
Sushi over here is horrid - not a single chicken, cranberry, cream cheese sushi box to be found. I have in fact given up, as it seems impossible to even get a teriyaki chicken box. It seems to be all about the raw and all about the vegetarian with avacado (I hate avacado).
I was thinking about how Bel suddenly seems to have a whole female posse. How times have changed. I like to think I was one of the seminal female friends - obviously Marama was the pioneer, but perhaps somewhere along the line I helped to keep 'em coming, and offer congratulations everytime a new one is made.
How are you? I've been reading your blog so actually i know but it's quite nice to get personal mentions. In fact I've been reading so many blogs that I have almost acquired the desire to have one myself! Quelle Horror! As bel would say. I don't know though because everyone's blog that I have read so far has been quite witty and although I have a somewhat promiscuious sense of humor I am not actually all that funny. Unfortunately there are only so many LOLS i could use in reference to other people's blogs before it gets old.
So yeah, will prob just stick to commenting on this one, and others (I promise Tanay) and try and be witty in little paragraphs. Baby steps
The Trelease is in Wellington!
Having a great time, have got an entire post on this blog dedicated to me but...
Come on people, lets steer the comments back to ME!!!
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