it says 'best' people ohh yeah

Not to mention the whopping great cash prize. Also much deserved.
The short story which won her the long-running nationwide competition has just been published in the above collection, conveniently released just in time for your Christmas shopping and jam-packed some of the rest of the best of NZ's creative writers. Here's a wee sample of some the line up: Geoff Cochrane, Charlotte Grimshaw, Lloyd Jones, Owen Marshall, Carl Nixon, Vincent O'Sullivan, Jo Randerson, Fay Weldon, Peter Wells... Plus more.
In fact, I do believe its an extended edition of 'Lolly' at Fiona's request, so I am most looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into it!
Labels: book
Well it's me - seriously chuffed, Bel, that you use your publicist skills for good and not for evil. Buy, people, buy! Fiona and the nice Harriet at Random House would be mighty grateful if you did. Besides you need a good book to leave behind in the bach or spare bedroom for generations to come where it will curl up and fade and yellow and become as beloved as an old National Geographic or Reader's Digest or Jilly Cooper novel (who she? the younger set cry! love those Argentinian polo players!)
Yay my sister rocks! - Mark
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