legless at Christmas
What did you get for Christmas? From me, you probably got jack shit. I totally screwed it this year. I ordered a bunch of stuff online, from a New Zealand website, and realised after I'd entered my credit card details, that it was actually being delivered from the UK.
It could've still made it in time, but then the confirmation didn't come for another four days. And then two or three days after that came the email apologising for delays due to the Christmas rush and so forth. And since I'd supplied my work as the delivery address, and we don't open again til the second week of January...
Or possibly you got nothing from me because I don't actual like you that much. Muahahaha!
JOKES JOKES :D because I do OF COURSE love you dearly, here is a wee treat, something that made me very happy - pics of the pony! woot!

My other main news is that the gammy foot situation progressed downhill steadily and now uphill slowly. As you can see from those photos, on Christmas Eve I was still rockin the mismatched bandage combo and in fact while in Wangas I wound up going back to A&E twice and not JUST because its one of the more entertaining activities for that wee city.
Getting literally pumped full of drugs was pretty sweet, tho of course the first nurse totally screwed up the IV. My arm was a mess after she was finished playing pincushion with me and of course it bruised up good n proper as well. Then she had the audacity to tell me that I had "tiny veins". Oh really? Well I think you are fucking incompetent, lady.
But then less then 24 hours later I'm defending her at Christmas lunch, being the leftie liberal wank that I am, when Dad is retelling all to the family and mentions her Asian ethnicity in terms of "let's say she wasn't a New Zealander har ha" which of course set me off in true family-Christmas-political-discussion style.
Of course I have some awesome pics of my arms with needles hanging out but I forget that not everyone else is as down with that shit as me so will refrain from posting them online. Sigh.
Finally got some crutches, after Mr Wellington A&E Doctor was a hold out on that, too busy being all "So where do you work? Oh wow, that must be great! Cool! Yeah I love the theatre! Wow! Cool!" and I'm like "Dude, now is NOT THE TIME to hit on me. If you're not gonna let me have crutches I want at least, like, an x-ray or something".
Unfortch the prob is I'm pretty useless on the crutches. Haven't ever used them before in my life and am having to be shown proper instructional techniques by more experienced practitioners such as Simon.
Have only dropped on damaged foot once so far tho.
Footnote: I typed up this entry on the 29th but our interweb connection was having ISSUES so couldn't upload the lovely photos. Hence the lack of entries over the break, hence irate comments from Trelease and the like. I'm now resurrecting the draft here in the first week of January and backdating like a mofo. Skabooche.
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